In the March 5 2024 episode of RAI's Wonderland, a thought-provoking discussion led by Andrea Fornasiero unfolds around the complex interplay of video games, politics, and ideology. This episode serves as an extension and deep dive into the complex themes explored in the collective book Reset. Politica e videogiochi, published by Mimesis Edizioni in 2023. The program meticulously examines how video games are far from being "mere" entertainment but also potent vessels for conveying political ideologies and engaging with societal issues at various levels. Wonderland sheds light on the multifaceted ways in which video games mirror and influence the political landscape.
The highlight of the event was the presence of special guest Lorenzo Redaelli, an esteemed graduate from the Master of Arts program in Game Design at IULM University. Redaelli recently achieved notable acclaim by securing a prestigious award at the Independent Games Festival for his contribution to Mediterranea Inferno developed by Milan-based game studio Santa Ragione. His work on this project has been universally recognized for its innovation and depth, marking a significant milestone in his burgeoning career within the independent gaming sector.