When nine eyes are not enough, you get eighteen: one cannot escape the panopticon on wheels. Google Street View is an uncanny patchwork of cars, streets, pedestrians, and buildings, alla watched over by machines of loving grace. It creates an illusion of spatio-temporal continuity when, in truth, it generates multiple realities, alternative situations, and possible worlds where the time of the day, the meteorological conditions and the hic et nunc change unpredictably. The only constant is the google logo at the bottom of the page. Google Street View is the map that precedes the territory.
Check the video below:
A Google Streetview car chasing another Google Streetview car in the Potrero district of San Francisco, circa November 2016, creating a diabolical, recursive loop.
Here's a second video:
A Google Streetview Car chasing another Google Streetview car downtown San Francisco, circa November 2016. Things get weird when the Google Street Car mutates into its doppelgänger. File under: that obscure object of desire.
Here's a third video:
More shapeshifting weirdness downtown San Francisco.
Here's a fourth video:
A Google Streetview Car chasing another Google Streetview car on Golden Gate, turns left on Webster, then right on Geary where it suddenly disappears.
Here's a fifth video:
A Google Streetview Car chasing another Google Streetview car down Franklin Street, and then Geary Boulevard circa November 2016. But when the car enters the tunnel, it does not comes out. A spatio-temporal disjunction makes the vehicle disappear.
Here's a sixth video
A Google Streetview Car chasing another Google Streetview car on Market Street, until it suddenly disappear, only to materialize on McAllister, where it continues to follow its clone as if nothing happened.
This is related to COLL.EO's ongoing project A NEW AMERICAN DREAM.