The new installment of Pacific Standard Time, my monthly column for Duellanti magazine, is entirely devoted to one of my many obsessions, Craigslist's Missed Connection page(s):
"A missed connection is an occurrence where two or more people are unable to exchange contact information or the information that is exchanged is lost. These missed connections are generally associated with romance, but they may also be business-related or otherwise. Through the use of publications and websites some people seek to reconnect with their missed connection." (Wikipedia)
Craiglist's Missed Connection pages create a virtual social network, an anti-Facebook, a space where people wish they were connected. These pages are incubators of stories, a series of possible worlds within a world. Unsurprisingly, Missed Connections has directly inspired many artistic projects, from illustrations to maps.
And let's not forget comics books...
Click the thumbnails below to see the full image (text in Italian).
Link: Pacific Standard Time #2
Link: Pacific Standard Time #1